| 1. | Technical specifications of four - jaw independent chucks 四爪单动卡盘技术条件 |
| 2. | Types , basic parameters and dimensions of four - jaw independent chucks 型式基本参数和尺寸 |
| 3. | Testing of accuracy of four - jaw independent chucks 四爪单动卡盘精度 |
| 4. | 4 - jaw independent chucks 四爪单动卡盘 |
| 5. | Four - jaw independent chuck 四爪夹头 |
| 6. | The k72 series four - jaw independent chucks are of cylindrical center mounting connected to the spindle nose by adaptors K72系列四爪单动卡盘系短圆柱连接形式,通过过渡盘与机床主轴连接。 |